I suppose that it is always good to know that Beer is Near. Why this little piece of information was scrolled outside of Prato cleaners is a mystery, though Candela's restaurant and bar is just down the corner. Here is the information for these fine establishments:
416 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 9210
Restaurant Hours
Mon - Sun 5 pm to 11 pm
Bar and Lounge Hours
Mon -Sun 5pm to 1:40 am
Prato Cleaners
472 3rd Ave. San Diego, Ca 92101
(619) 702-8515
416 3rd Ave. San Diego, CA 9210
Restaurant Hours
Mon - Sun 5 pm to 11 pm
Bar and Lounge Hours
Mon -Sun 5pm to 1:40 am
Prato Cleaners
472 3rd Ave. San Diego, Ca 92101
(619) 702-8515